Al acabar los 20 o 40 dias de fase dos se debe continuar la dieta de 500 kcal durante 48 horas mas apartir de la ultima dosis.
Acabando esas 48 horas se empieza a comer con los siguientes lineamientos en breve los voy a traducir al espano pero es que hoy ya no me dio tiempo
When you have taken your last dose of Hcg, you must then do an additional 3 days of the very low calorie diet. The following day, is the first day of Phase 3. This is the "no sugar, no starch" phase, and this continues for 3 weeks.
When you start phase 3, don't go hog-wild all at once. Your body will be happier if you slowly increase the amount of food you're eating. Many people start by eating phase 2 foods, but just increasing the amounts. You may have regular salad dressings. Be careful of low-fat or fat-free processed foods- these almost always have lots of added sugar. You may go back to using lotions and your regular cosmetics on day one of P3.
What can you eat in P3? All meats and fish, eggs, all dairy including cheese, butter, oils. You may eat most veggies, except for starchy ones like corn and peas. You may have most fruits- but be cautious in the beginning with the sweeter fruits such as melons and bananas. Nuts are also allowed, but I'd add these slowly- some people have difficulty with them (which may be due in part to the salt). No bread, baked goods, cereal, rice, potatoes, pasta, candy, deserts.
Eggs and cheese are tricky. It is best to start with meats/veg/fruits for a few days and see what your weight does. Then add EITHER eggs or cheese for 2-3 days (make that your only new food). If your weight stays stable, stop that one and try the other. If still ok, try them together. I recommend this because you could have a mild sensitivity that would not show up eating only one of them, but would when you have both. If you react to a number of foods, you may wish to have blood work done to test for food sensitivities.
Some people can eat low-carb foods such as low-carb tortillas. You have to judge this for yourself. Dr. S. says "no starch", but these kinds of foods were not available when the protocol was written. Many low-carb or low-sugar foods have sugar alcohols in them. Although still carbs, they have less affect on your blood sugar than other types of sugars. Some people tolerate them well, others don't. Personally, I find sugar alcohols make me react pretty much the way sugar does- they cause me to crave more sugar, cause me to retain water, and anything other than small amounts may also cause diarrhea.
Do NOT try to stay on a low-calorie diet, without the hcg. That will cause edema (water retention) due to protein deficiency, and you will actually gain weight. Make sure you add at least one additional serving of protein per day; some people recommend doubling your protein. Most doctors recommend you eat at least 1200-1500 calories.
When I see people reporting their menus, it usually looks like they are not eating enough fruits and vegetables. Eggs, meat, cheese, dairy, nuts are all ok- but all are also high in fat. Dr. S. says that if you avoid the "so-called carbohydrates" that you may eat fats "somewhat more liberally". Since we're eating no added fats in Phase 2, I don't believe this is an endorsement to eat a high-fat diet. This may cause some people to gain, so be careful. Veggies and fruits have lots of needed enzymes, provide necessary fiber, and will help fill you up.
LIW (last injection weight) is the weight you are on the morning of your last dose of Hcg. You may lose a little more during those last 3 low-calorie days, but the object of P3 is to stabilize- so you should not allow your weight to go more than 2# above your LIW, or more than about 2# below your LIW. If you weigh yourself one morning and you are more than 2# above your LIW, this is when you would do a steak day. You eat nothing all day until dinner, although you may have as much coffee, tea and water as you like. Then you eat a huge steak, without salt, along with either a raw tomato, or an apple. This will help to bring your weight down the following morning. If you find your weight creeping up but it is not high enough to do a steak day, try a day where you eat only protein. This should also bring your weight back down.
By the way, Dr. S. contradicts himself a bit as to when to start P3. Some people start 72 hrs after their last shot, some people wait a full 3 days, which would be 96 hrs. If you choose 72, I'd recommend going ahead with greater quantity of P2 foods, and maybe adding in a couple of eggs for breakfast. But personally, I'd avoid adding in any fats until the next day. Dr. S. states that your body will be very sensitive to fats as long as there is even a trace of Hcg in your system.
como hacer dieta con la hcg en las comidas
ResponderEliminarEs Una dieta de solo 500 calorias diarias solo pieces comer Carne Blanca que no contents omega3. Ejemplo tilapia, camaron jaiva, pechuga de pollo sin Gordo,todo se cosina sin grasa a la plancha, en portion medida 3.5oz verduras 2 porciones al dia ejemplo, lechuga, jitomate, cebolla, repollo, apio,pepino, evitar el elote la papa aceites de todo tipo. Consumer 2 porciones de fruta diarias ejemplo fresa,naranja,mansana,solo 2 al dia.
EliminarSe me olvidaba solo 2 porsiones de carne al dia, en el medio dia y en la cena acompanada de Tu portion de verduras, y Tu portion de fruta deve quedar por lo menos 5 horas de separadas entre comidas Como snack, Tu Te y cafe todo lo que quieras pero sin azucar. Tu desayuno seria Tu cafe y agua media manana Tu fruta se recommends la fresa y Para sasonar Tu comida Sal de ajo, Sal de mar,pimienta,vinagre,Limon solo uno al dia, cuenta bien tus calorias las porsionez son medidas asta en la verdura.yo recomiendo Una lim